Dubai couple surprised by quintuplets

06:16PM Tue 12 Feb, 2013

Syrians blessed with quintuplets were taken by surprise as they were prepared for quadruplets Dubai: A fifth unexpected cry was heard at the delivery room when Syrian national Ranim Amir Barmada gave birth to quintuplets at the Saudi-German Hospital in Dubai at 10am on Monday. Expecting quadruplets, 29 year-old Ranim and her husband, 33-year-old Hasan Munzer Barmada, were shocked to find out about the fifth baby during the surgery. “I was shocked, I could not believe it — then I thought there could also be a sixth one,” said a tearful father as he stood in the delivery room. With all five babies, two girls and three boys, born prematurely, the newborns who are currently stable are being kept in incubators with constant monitoring at the hospital. Gulf News [caption id="attachment_26031" align="aligncenter" width="475"]One of the child of weight 500 grams given birth by wife of Hasan Munzer Barmada, 33 years old Syrian, at Saudi German hospital. One of the child of weight 500 grams given birth by wife of Hasan Munzer Barmada, 33 years old Syrian, at Saudi German hospital.[/caption]