Dubai best place for World Expo 2020 : Canada

03:43AM Wed 6 Nov, 2013

Canada will support Dubai’s bid for World Expo2020 — which would be the first expo ever to be held in the Middle East, and in the Arab world, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird and Minister of International Trade Ed Fast announced on Tuesday. “Canada believes it is time for the Middle East to host the World (Expo) at a time of such hope and challenge in the region, and Dubai is best placed to bring together the most diverse group of peoples from around the world, to share ideas, aspirations and concrete solutions for the future,” said Baird. “Canada’s support for Dubai reflects our commitment to the dynamism, hope and future of emerging economies in the region and beyond.” In the short span of just 40 years, the United Arab Emirates has made tremendous gains, noted Minister Fast. “The United Arab Emirates has built a prosperous, open and secure society in roughly one generation and world-class and innovative Canadian businesses are eager to build stronger trade and investment ties with this strategic, priority market,” said Minister Fast. “By supporting Dubai Expo 2020, we’re showing our UAE partners that Canada is committed to taking our relationship to new heights which will create new opportunities for people in both countries.” UAE Minister of Economy Sultan Al Mansouri said: “Our bilateral relations with Canada have gone from strength to strength in recent years and the Canadian endorsement of Dubai’s Expo bid is the most recent evidence of this very positive trajectory. I am confident that visitors of the Expo 2020 would find Dubai and the UAE to be a place that embodies a culture of openness and tolerance — a place that is connecting minds and creating the future.” Notification of Canada’s support was conveyed in a meeting on Tuesday between Arif Lalani, Canada’s Ambassador to the UAE, and Reem Al Hashemi, UAE Minister of State and Managing Director of the Higher Committee for Hosting the World Expo 2020. “Dubai is the right city at the right time! By supporting its Expo bid, Canada stands with the UAE and its bold aspirational vision for the future — a world built on big ideas and big collaboration,” noted Ambassador Lalani. Canada’s support for Dubai is based on the strength of Dubai’s proposals and on its theme of “connecting minds, creating the future”. Dubai is amongst a strong list of candidates — Ekaterinburg (Russia), Izmir (Turkey) and Sao Paulo (Brazil). It is fitting that as the 21st century unfolds, a world exposition based on ideas, diversity and the knowledge economy, should be held at one of the most connected cities in the world. The UAE is also home to over 100 major Canadian companies, and approximately 40,000 Canadians live and work here, contributing to its economic development. Khaleej Times dad_11052013