Don't allow 'anti-India' functions on campus: BJP MP to AMU VC

02:26PM Wed 24 Feb, 2016

In the wake of protests at AMU in connection with the JNU row, the BJP MP from Aligarh has asked the varsity authorities not to allow students to follow in the footsteps of their JNU counterparts or give permission to hold any "anti-BJP" and "anti-national" function on the campus. In a strongly worded letter to Aligarh Muslim University Vice-Chancellor Lt Gen (Retd) Zameer Uddin Shah, Satish Gautam said in recent weeks AMU has witnessed several events which were "anti-government and anti-BJP" in their content. He asked the VC to "ensure that in the future no permission is given to any function which can be construed as anti-national and anti-government". "Recently the university had been inviting only those personalities to the campus for conferences and seminars who are known for their anti-BJP views," the letter said. The letter claimed that everybody knew that the recent agitation at JNU was at the behest of "anti-national" elements and people were also aware of the attempts being made to spread similar sentiments in other universities of the country. The letter has asked the AMU VC to take the suggestions seriously and inform Gautam after necessary follow up administrative action. Refuting allegations of any anti-national activity having taken place in AMU, the VC said, "I do not think anything new has taken place in the campus and none of the protests which took place in the campus had any anti-national connotation to them." "Even though I have not received it till now, copies of this letter are being circulated all over the media. When I called up Gautam, he confirmed having sent the letter and claimed that the contents had been leaked to the media without his knowledge," Shah said. "I have no idea whatsoever of the so-called anti-national activity, which was referred to by Gautam. I will reply to him in detail once I examine the contents of his letter," he said. He said AMU is a prestigious centre of higher learning and there were various fora within the varsity, which enjoy the autonomy of holding seminars, conferences and debates. "The heart of a university lies in engaging in debates and discussions through different platforms. Over the years many political parties and governments have faced protests and agitations in various varsities including AMU," he said. He maintained having served in the army, he could say that his patriotism and love for the country is second to none. "How can anybody even think that I will allow any activity which is even remotely anti-national to take place at the campus," he said. The letter, which has sparked another controversy at AMU, comes in the wake of an uproar over the alleged serving of beef biryani at AMU Medical College canteen.   PTI