Do You Want to Get Benefits from a Software Testing Career?

04:31AM Tue 18 Jan, 2011

This is a good question....firstly you have to find out if you have a certain type of personality to complete software testing. You need to be organized, logical and thorough. You are going to be writing test cases depending on business and functional requirements - in other words you should do.

Then you've to implement those tests - often repeatedly. Your aim would be to ensure that no software goes out to customer without all the bugs found. It's rarely achievable, but should be your ultimate goal. I always love to believe your 2nd goal is always to have every developer hate you because you keep finding bugs within their code :)

The answer if software testing is a good career option depends upon who's asking the question. I'll answer it as if my audience is surely an engineer.

I'm flip, but sincere - my working knowledge has proven to me that the theory of software development never occurs in real life.

Theoretically, software testing is:
- Confirming and recording that software program performs the functions it's supposed to.
- Validating and showing that it doesn't do anything whatsoever it is not designed to

This presupposes you have been told how it is supposed and not supposed to do. People you're working for don't always do this - they might not necessarily trust you not to run away with their secrets.

Because software packages are a business (except when you are doing work for the military) business principles apply a lot more strongly than engineering rules. Software testing is expensive, therefore the choices about targets and how much to do are actually based on ROI considerations.

Within the end-user relationship, the user's perception is just not necessarily directly related to the physical world, and it's also the user's perception of whether your system works that finally rules inside the minds of management, whose job is purely to make certain no one is complaining regarding the software.

Therefore, the truly practical explanation of software testing might be summarized as 3 goals:

1?Verify the people that use the software believes it's doing whatever they want it to accomplish

2?Verify that this software doesn't do anything immediately detectable that is not desirable for the user.

3?Verify that any undesirable action has a sufficient length period that the software will look to execute effectively long enough for you to make it to another round of VC investment decision or sell the business :)

And you? Do You think Software Testing could be the right career path?

About the author: Janet Fleming is writing for the free software testing course</a> blog, her personal and non-commercial in nature hobby weblog to give free options for software testing starters/experts to enable them to find a new career.