Deputy Commissioner expresses concerns over delay in Karwar tunnel opening

09:50PM Sun 24 Sep, 2023

Karwar: 24 September 2023 (Bhatkallys News Bureau)  In a recent press conference, District Deputy Commissioner Gangobai of North Canara voiced her dissatisfaction with the progress of the National Highway construction project undertaken by IRB in the region. She shed light on the delayed opening of the Karwar tunnel to the public, citing the National Highway Authority of India's failure to issue a fitness certificate as the reason for the continued travel restrictions.

Commissioner Gangobai did not mince words when expressing her criticism of IRB's construction work, asserting that the company had left numerous projects in the district incomplete, leading to a surge in complaints from the local populace. Despite efforts to draw attention to these issues, it appears that the concerns have fallen on deaf ears.

During her address, the Deputy Commissioner emphasized the lack of control her office has over the High Authority department, rendering them powerless in addressing the ongoing situation. She also raised objections regarding the collection of tolls before IRB had completed 75% of the project, deeming the toll rates excessively high.