Deoband fatwa against bursting firecrackers

05:28PM Fri 6 Jan, 2012

Deoband - 06 Jan 2012: In yet another 'fatwa' (religious decree), the prestigious islamic seminary Darul Uloom in Deoband has termed bursting of crackers as 'haram' (illegal in the eyes of Islam) and has advised those, dealing in it, to shift to some other business.

The 'fatwa' issued in response to a query, says that bursting crackers is a 'wasteful expenditure' and must be avoided.

"Not only is bursting crackers improper, their business is also illegal in the eyes of Islam," decrees the fatwa issued by the seminary's Darul Ifta (department of fatwa).

"It is not only a wastage of money but also wastage of time," Senior Cleric at the seminary Mufti Arif Quasmi said, adding that the Islam did not permit a business in anything that is not beneficial to mankind and the world. "Wealth is a gift of God to mankind and it should not be wasted on things which in no way contribute to the development of the people or the world," the mufti added.

"It is unlawful and squandering to play crackers. Also it is unlawful to sell it and make it. It has no lawful use but extravagance and wastage of time and money," says the fatwa. The person, who had asked the question had identified himself only as 'Khan'.

"The holy Quran says that squanderers are the brother of Satan," the fatwa said. Responding to the query that many muslims were also in the trade, the fatwa said that they must shift to other businesses.

Even in the past, the Darul Uloom had issued fatwas on a number of social and other issues and many of its fatwas have come in for sharp criticism from a section of muslim scholars and clerics.

Some of the fatwas issued by the seminary in the past banned wearing of jeans by girls and also asked girls not to work in the offices as they can not remain under veil there. One of its fatwas also termed cycling by girls as un-Islamic.