Delhi cops shop for ‘sticks’ to beat porn

03:36PM Wed 27 Jan, 2016

You will have to do better than hitting the delete button to get rid of porn.Delhi Police is out shopping for 'porn detection sticks' — USB devices with software that can bring back pornographic content from the dead.
Though cops say the devices will be used to "fight cybercrime", it's a safe guess they will help nail paedophiles, exes playing revenge porn, and sex criminals using photos and videos of their victims for blackmail. Sources say the software can scan computers for porn images, videos and chats even if these have been deleted. It detects and analyses faces, flesh tones, shapes and curves but leaves no trace of use. This makes it immensely useful in a developing case requiring secrecy, for instance a honeytrap probe. Three months from now, Delhi Police will have a better handle on cybercrime. The department is all set to revamp its Cyber Cell by procuring state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure for investigating cases effectively. Sources told TOI that police will be equipped with gadgets and software that will bring them on par with their counterparts in the West.