Delegation from BMJB presents Citation to Dr Usman Siddique at Chennai

03:37PM Sat 22 Dec, 2012

photo-2  A delegation from Bhatkal Muslim Jamaat – Bangalore (BMJB) in conjunction with Bhatkal Muslim Association – Chennai (BMAC)  organized a function in Chennai to present a citaion to  Dr. Usman Siddique. BMJB had earlier felicitated Dr. Usman in absentia at their Eid Milan function held at Bangalore on 9th December 2012.  The delegation from BMJB consisted of  President KM Muzammil, Vice President Nauman Patel, Gen Secretary Maaz Jukaku and Executive Committee members Nizam Siddique and Suhail Patel. BMA-Chennai hosted the function at Dr. Usmaan's residence due to his health reasons. The function was initiated  by recital of holy Quraan by Abdul Rehman Armaar, Hosted and welcomed by Guffran Lanka. Maaz Jukaku then outlined to the gathering the Services and Objectives BMJB is focussed on recently. He said that BMJB was trying to involve more people in the activities of the Jamaat and had started the Career guidance and Vocational training (CGVT) cell which gives guidance to students and candidates seeking jobs. He also added that the BMJB looks forwrd to involve women in various programs to benefit them. After this BMJB President KM Muzammil addressed the gathering and told them regarding the services of Dr. Usman. He ws one of the founder member of the Bhatkal Muslim Jamaat Bangalore. He was one of the member who actively vouched and contributed towards the formation ofthe Yahya Memorial Hostel. Muzammil Saheb said that BMJB is planning to felicitate more people who have contributed their services to the jamaat, in future. He said all Jamaat's should network and work together for greater contribution to the community.  A shawl was presented by Mr Nizam Siddique. and the citation was read out by Abdul Rasheed Mohtisham and was then presented to Dr. Usman by the delegates. The program concluded with Vote of thanks President BMAC - Syed Mohsin and Dua by Abdul Rehmaan Armaar.  Jb Mohsin appreciated the efforts of BMJB and stated that it was a very good initiative by BMJB to honor people who have given their services to the jamaat. photo-6 photo-3