Complex cancer surgeries performed by Kasturba Hospital Doctors
02:18PM Sun 3 Jan, 2021

The first center to perform this type of surgeries in this region
Manipal, 2nd January 2021: Department of Surgical Oncology at Kasturba Medical College and Hospital, Manipal has been performing complex cancer surgeries, which are performed only in few reputed cancer centers in India.
Tracheal (windpipe) cancer surgery is one of the most complex procedures to perform, where the tumor is removed along with the part of the windpipe and the remaining windpipe is connected to the lower part or branches (main bronchus). Cancer in the windpipe causes blockage and difficulty in breathing. The surgery usually lifesaving and cures for cancer. The department of Surgical Oncology has performed such major tracheobronchial (windpipe) surgery on 4 cancer patients including a 70-year-old patient, who is on regular follow-up for 9 months said Dr. Naveena Kumar AN, who performed the surgery.
There were 2 major surgeries performed for football-sized cancer mass inside the chest which was compressing the heart, major blood vessels, lung, and windpipe. One of the patients was a 15-year-old boy, where a 3 kg tumor was involving the entire chest bone (sternum) and the left side of the chest. The entire tumor was removed and the chest bone was reconstructed with artificial bone during 10 hrs of surgery. He is currently on follow up for 5 months. Another 15-year old girl was operated on for a large bleeding tumor involving the neck. During 14 hours of surgery, a 5 kg tumor was removed and covered with plastic surgery, and currently, she is on a regular checkup.
The thoracoscopic and laparoscopic (keyhole) cancer surgery is routinely performed for cancer of the lung, food pipe (Esophagus), stomach, large and terminal intestine, uterus, and kidney. Recently, the department has performed single scar lung cancer surgery. A 25-year-old patient with food pipe cancer and previously operated stomach was treated with keyhole surgery and reconstructed with a complex procedure using intestine, is on a regular follow up for 1.5 years.
The department is performing HIPEC (Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy) surgeries for advanced, stage 4 cancer of the stomach, large and terminal intestine, and ovarian cancer said Dr. Naveen.
Limb saving surgery for cancer of lower limbs is performed in the department. A 13-year-old girl was operated on for cancer of the thigh bone, where a cancer part of the bone was removed and sent for high dose radiotherapy and refixed to the thigh bone of the patient (Extracorporeal radiotherapy). Currently, she is doing well after 1.5 years of follow-up. Another 50-year-old lady was operated on for cancer of pelvic bone involving sacroiliac joint (Joining back and thigh), where the tumor was removed completely along with the main sacroiliac joint (Internal hemipelvectomy Type 4). After 1.5 years of follow up patient is doing well.
The team of cancer surgery is led by Dr. Naveena Kumar AN and includes Dr. Nawaz Usman, Dr. Keshava Rajan, and Dr. Preethi Shetty, who are trained in prestigious Tata Memorial Hospital Mumbai. Dr. Naveen S Salins, Coordinator of Manipal Comprehensive Care Center (MCCCC) congratulated the team for great work and said “With an efficient team of surgeons, anesthetists, sisters, and support of hospital administration we could able to perform these surgeries”. Dr. Salins also spoke briefly about facilities available and new initiatives that
were taken in MCCCC.
Dr. Padmaraj Hegde, Deputy Medical Superintendent congratulated the surgical oncology team and said that “this kind of complex surgeries are possible at Kasturba Hospital, Manipal due to the team of expert doctors. Currently, the Department of Surgical Oncology at Kasturba Hospital, Manipal performs all major and supra-major cancer surgeries equivalent to reputed national and international cancer centers and it gives new hopes to the Cancer patients of coastal and middle Karnataka.
Dr. Karthik Udupa, Dr. Sumit S Malapure, Dr. Vadudeva Bhat, Dr. Nawaz Usman, Dr. Keshavarajan, Mr. Sudhakar Prabhu were Present at the press meet.