BMJD Aam Jalsa in Dubai

07:57AM Sat 9 Apr, 2016

Dubai – More than hundred members of BMJ Dubai attended the community’s annual general meeting on Friday evening at Twin Towers Dubai. The event started with a recitation of Holy Quran by Moulvi Abdul Haq. Yasir Kashimji welcomed attendees and hosted the day’s proceedings as he thanked community members for their support. Outgoing general secretary of BMJD, Rahmatullah Rahi, presented the annual report for 2015. He asserted the importance of unity among community members as a pillar of strength. With over 1200 members in BMJD, Rahmatullah explained various activities of sub-committees and their contributions. He also remembered BMJD members who passed away over the last year. Amjed Shabandri, outgoing BMJD president, presided over the event. Taha Muallim presented the accounts and Yusuf Barmawar shared details on the recently held election of executive body. A Q&A session allowed members to raise questions and seek information on the development activities supported by the community organisation. The newly elected executive members took charge for a two-year term as newly elected BMJD president, Ashfaque Sada, addressed members and invited the wider Bhatkalli community in Dubai to engage in better interaction. He further added that the next two-years will focus on youth empowerment and support to job-seekers, while building better avenues for communication and discussioon with community members. Other speakers included the new office-bearers - BMJD Vice President, Moulvi Irshad Ali Africa, General Secretary, Yusuf Barmawar and Additional Secretary, Jilani Mohtesham and Moulvi Abrar Ul Haq. The function concluded with an address by Amjad Shabandri, outgoing BMJD president. He congratulated newly elected executive members and thanked the outgoing body for their services in previous term. (Report & Photos by Zaorez Ismail Haneef Shabab) IMG_1179 IMG_1180 IMG_1181 IMG_1183 IMG_1184 IMG_1186