BMJB's CGVT Forum organizes Career Guidance Function

05:30PM Sun 10 Feb, 2013

BMJB's CGVT Forum organizes Career Guidance Function ''Are you on the right Career Path'' 11317_552974528053808_241402465_n The Career Guidance and Vocational Training (CGVT) Wing under the Bhatkal Muslim Jamaath Bangalore (BMJB) organized a workshop for the Nawayath Students studying in Bangalore. The topic of the program 'Are you on the right Career Path' primarily focussed in engaging the audience to start thinking and guiding them to take proper career decisions. The function was attended Dr. Nazeer Ahmed aka Rank Nazeer who was the Cheif Guest and Keynote speaker, Jb Jukaku Abdulrahim - Gen Secy Anjuman Hami E Muslimeen, Kazia Yunus - President BMJ Dammam and Executive Members of BMJB and over Hundred students and people working in companies from Nawayath Community. The Chief Guest - Dr. Nazeer is a former NASA Scientist, holds twelve U.S. patents in the area of advanced composites and space-based lasers. He was elected a member of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly as well. He is an Islamic Scholar, Author of no. of books, and has tranlaed Holy Quran to American English. He started his speech by emphasizing on Quality in the performance, irrespective of whatever they choose. He urged the students not to run after money, and rather pursue quality. Today we are in an International Market and to compete in an open market, we should improve our softskills, which includes delivery of commitment, beding dependable and trustworthy, apart from bulding the hardskills, which is to perfect our area of expertise, he said. He gave the statistics from the report of Wall Street Journal, which reported 90% of the graduates in India are unemployable due to lack of softskills. He answered to a session of quereis from the attendees which helped them to understand their specific problems, especially catering to students pursuing Chartered Accountancy.He ended his speech reiterating 'The reward for Excellence is Excellence in teslf'. Maaz Jukaku – Gen Secy of BMJB welcomed the guests, focussing on the topic of the days program and stressed the imprtance of panning well before making a career decision. He stressed on going to Gulf Immeiately should not be the way, since times have changes and trends are changing. Also he mentioned CGVT plans to conduct various workshops in future, catering Improvement of communication skills, both oral and written, Resume Preperation, Facing interviews, updating the current trends in the industry, apart from general counselling session to be conducted here. Followingly, Yaseen Lanka gave a pep talk stressing on the importance of the making Career decisons at the right time during the age of 14 to 15 years. He spoke abt Knowing and Pursuing what you are interested in. He said the MBA and BCom students should get in the habit of reading about whats going around the world and finance matters. He concluded his talk urging the audience to staying close to Islam for better discipline and to contribute to the society as well. Jb Abdulrahim Jukaku was impressed with the students discipline, and appalauded the students saying the very presence of the students present itself is appreciating. He said the parents plays a very important role in building the career of the kids in giving them the right direction. The President of BMJB Bangalore, KM Muzammil said BMJB's effort to form CGVT is to get all the youth to a common platform, which will help the Nawayth youth for better guidance in selecting proper colleges and take proper career decisions. He said the Jamaat will setup a permanant office in SMYH premises which will be utilized for this purpose. He urged the youth that they should give back to society by serving Anjuman and associating with Tanzeem by serving the community. The fucnction ended by vote of thanks by CGVT Conveniour Atif Damudi Report By : Luqman Jukaku,Media In Charge CGVT BMJB   24620_552974628053798_638309964_n 404838_552974418053819_705074667_n 563316_552974411387153_398698475_n 563683_552974478053813_822976966_n 580560_552974471387147_1044334840_n cgvt 1 0213 cgvt 2 0213 cgvt 4 0213 cgvt 6 0213