BMJ Eastern Province's newly elected members tour various centers and institutions

03:44PM Tue 18 Aug, 2015

August 18, 2015 | Correspondent | Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: A delegation comprising of BMJ Eastern Province's newly elected members who have arrived here in Bhatkal for summer vacations, toured various centers and institutions in Bhatkal with the aim of community service. The delegation began the tour with Jamia Islamia Bhatkal where it received a warm welcome from the institution's Head Maulana Abdul Bari Nadvi. Maulana Ansar Nadvi presented a brief introduction of the organization afterwhich the delegation was taken to various department buildings. The delegation then toured Anjuman Degree College, Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi Islamic Academy, Majlise Islah Wa Tanzeem among other places and exchanged thoughts with the heads and members of these centers. It is hoped that the outcome of this successful tour will yield beneficial results for the community and the nation. - ARF