Bangalore - A much awaited Eid Milan celebrations hosted by Bhatkal Muslim Jamaath Bangalore (BMJB) took off with great grandeur on Dec 9th at AKS convention hall Bangalore.
'As a Muslim it is our responsibility to be a role model to the whole world, by following the ways of our beloved Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him)' said minister of Minority Affairs Rahaman Khan on the occasion of Eid Milan at Bangalore organized by Bhatkal Muslim Jamat (BMJ). He was the chief Guest of the function. The minister said the name Bhatkal always reminds him of S M Yahya Saheb. He said that their early political career started at about the same time. He said Yahya Saheb worked to empower the Muslims of Karnataka in social and educational field. He suggested that Bhatkallys are in traditional business but you should also enter into corporate businesses.
The Chief Guest spoke to the gathering after a brief welcome given by Muaz Jukaku, General Secretary BMJ Bangalore. He was grateful to the services of founder Gen Secy Dr. Usmaan Sideeq, who was felicitated in absentia during the function.
The President of BMJ Bangalore Mr Muzammil Kazia briefly addressed the gathering. He thanked K Rahman khan for gracing the occassion and mentioned that Khan sahab always promptly responded to all matters of Nawayath community with priority. He acknowledged the efforts of Gen Secy Maaz Jukaku, Vice President Nauman Patel, Senior Member Nizamuudin Siddiqua and Media in charge for Eid Milan, Luqman Jukaku - and everyone who helped in making the program successful, before announcing open the games and quiz session.
Attended by more than 600 people, the program was hosted by My. Nauman Patel and Abdul Rawoof Kobatte; Abubaker Sideeq gave the vote of thanks.
Apart from the Fancy Dress competition held for the kids in the morning session, in the afternoon session Quiz Competition, Houzie and raffle-draw was held.
Ms. Sahla Abdul Mueed Kadli was the recipient of BMJB Merit award for securing 88.2% in PUC this year.
Winners of the cooking competition, Amci Chef 12 was announced and prizes were distributed.
There was a bumper price of a bike sponsored by Amtek - Bangalore and the first price was an i-Pad, the function concluded at 5:00PM.