BMA-Chennai hosts Eid Get-together

02:48PM Sun 18 Sep, 2011

Chennai - 18 Sep 2011: Bhatkalli community in Chennai celebrated Eid Get-together under the auspices of Bhatkal Muslim Association, Chennai here at Measi Matriculation Higher Secondary School grounds, Chennai on Sunday 18th September.

The program started at 10:30 am with the Annual General Body meeting of the Jama'at, chaired by the President Janab S M Syed Mohsin Saheb Moulana. The program began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Qur'an by Hafiz Pilloor Hammad and translation and explanation was given by Abdur Raheem Patel.President Janab Mohsin Saheb welcomed the gathering in his presidential address. Secretary presented minutes of last AGM, Accounts for the year 2010 - 2011 and the annual report.With the permission of the chair the Secretary proposed two amendments in the Bye laws relating to Elections, and it were adopted by the house.

Proceedings of the Eid Milan program started after the AGM. Up and coming Nawayati Shaair and Singer Mohideen Affan Bafaqqi was the centre of attraction in this Eid Milan, who specially came down to Chennai on the BMA-C's invitation.

There was a quiz program and games for the gathering, tiny tots presented theirvarious itemssuch as Qur'anic recitations, poemsetc., there were useful gifts for the winners of Quiz and games. Quiz program was presented by Abdur Raheem Patel and games by Gufran Ahmed Lanka.

Apart from number of prizesthere were FIVE lucky draws:

The First Bumper Lucky DrawwasFully Automatic Washing MachineSponsored byAysha Hospitaland won byMohammed Younus Kazi,the Second Lucky DrawwasVoltas Water Dispenser with Mini fridgesponsored byMohammed Younus Kaziand wonby Mr. Mohammed Noor, the Third Lucky Draw wasKitchen Electric Appliances Setsponsored byShabandri Mahmoodul Hassan Pateland won byAbul Bayan Shabandri, theFourth Lucky DrawElectric Wet Grindersponsored byMohtisham Abdur Rasheedand won by Mohamed Abrar Shabandriand theFifth Lucky DrawPrestige Gas Stovesponsored byAbdur Raheem Pateland won byIshtiaq Ahmed Kobattey.

Program ended with the Dua by Moulana Abdur Raheem Nadvi and vote of thanks by Abdur Raheem Patel. After the program Lunch was served to the gathering.

Bhatkallys News Service,

Reported By: Abdul Raheem Patel from Chennai