BMA Chennai holds Eid Milan program

01:46PM Thu 31 Oct, 2013

27 October 2013 | Bhatkallys News Chennai: A series of programs marked this year's Eid- Milan program of Bhatkal Muslim Association Chennai that was organized this morning in Hotel Abu Palace. On this occasion, Annual General Body meeting of the Association was also held. The programme started with the recitation of Holy Quran by DF Ansar Sahab. Thereafter, Accounts and Reports of the association were submitted and approved. The association's President Syed Mohiudeen Markit welcomed the gathering and recalled the memories of the former president, late Syed Mohsin Moulana. He exhorted young members to work pro-actively for the community and for the Jamat. A series of programs followed after that in which the children presented various shows. All were given prizes for their encouragement. There was a quiz program for men presented by Abdur Raheem Patel. Those who provided correct answers were rewarded with attractive gifts. Ladies had their own programs in which prizes were given to the winners. Sada Khaleel conducted written quiz for kids in two sets of 6th to 9th Standard and another for 10th to 12th. Here as well, prizes were awarded to winners. In the end, there were 9 bumper lucky draws, out of which 7 for the locals and 2 for the guests. Apart from these, there were 16 other special lucky draws. image[3]   image[1]