BMA Chennai holds condolance ceremony for late S M Mohsin Maulana
04:53AM Mon 20 May, 2013

19th May 13 / Bhatkallys News
Chennai - A condolence ceremony for late S M Mohsin Maulana Saheb was held in Chennai today morning in the premises of M/s Shabandri Palaykat Co. This meeting was organized by Bhatkal Muslim Association Chennai and was presided over by Vice President of Association Janab Armar Nazir Ahmed Saheb.
The programme started with a speech by Moulana Abdur Raheem Nadwi Sahab. In the light of Qur'an and Sunnah, Abdur Raheem explained the virtues of good deeds and mentioned that our deeds should be remembered and recalled by others even after our death.
On this occasion, Honorable Secretary Abdur Raheem Patel said that it was hard to believe that Mohsin Saheb is not with us any more and that his passing away after a brief illness has created a vacuum. He further said that late Mohsin Saheb had been his mentor in the field of social work for more than three decades. He was always accessible to our boys who came to Chennai for college or school admissions. His services in this particular field will always be remembered.
On this occasion, Janab S M Yahya said that Mohsin Saheb always advised them to perform all the prayers in congregation and record everything however insignificant it may seem.
Mohatisham Mohammed Hashim Saheb on this occasion said that Mohsin Saheb was very much true to his name and exhorted everyone particularly his children and family members to follow his footsteps.
Lastly the Honorable Secretary read out the condolence resolution which was adopted by the House. He thanked all the programme attendants and also requested family members and relatives of the deceased S M Mohsin Saheb to continue the good work along the late Mohsin Saheb's footsteps.