BJP's jibes at Rahul's comments on PM race, marriage

01:02PM Wed 6 Mar, 2013

BJP today took jibes at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on his comments that becoming Prime Minister is not his priority, saying he has realised that there is no chance of his becoming the PM. "Rahul Gandhi has realised that he will not become the Prime Minister as BJP-led NDA will form the government after the next elections," BJP spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain told reporters in reply to a question. Gandhi had said yesterday that becoming Prime Minister is not his priority and he is interested in long-term politics and building the party organisation. BJP also took on Gandhi on his comments that he is not interested in marriage as that will make him a status quoist and he may want to promote his children. "The soldiers posted at the borders are also serving the country and many of them are married. Soldier Hemraj, who was beheaded by the Pakistani forces, was also married. Those who are married are also serving the country," Hussain said. The BJP leader said he himself is married with two children. Asked if he would advise Gandhi to get married, Hussain shot back "do I run a marriage bureau that I will suggest such things.... I can give suggestions about running the country." The opposition party alleged Gandhi has been active for the last ten years and his party has been in power for two terms so he is answerable for the present problems. When told that members of Sangh Parivar founthead RSS also do not marry, Hussain said "but they do not go around talking about this. They do their work." Deccan Herald