BJP members demand explanation for Mankal's speech, threaten protest

02:06PM Fri 11 Oct, 2013

11 Oct 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News BJPRepresentative Bhatkal: In the biyearly analysis meeting held at Taluka Panchayat hall, Bhatkal MLA Mankal Vaidya laid allegations of graft on police officials and blasted them for their conduct. Alleging bias on their part, he threatened to take legal action against them. On this occasion, Bhatkal PSI Subanna preferred to keep quiet than to answer him back. Not happy with Mr Mankal's behaviour, BJP members of Bhatkal taluka called a press conference demanding explanation from Mr. Vaidya. The members expressed anger on the MLA and demanded that if he is truthful he should bring open the matter and suspend the concerned police official. They have threatened to protest by blocking roads in case their demands are not fulfilled. A huge gathering of BJP representatives took part in the press conference.