BJP doing divisive politics, says Manmohan Singh

03:40PM Sun 30 Mar, 2014

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday accused the Bharatiya Janata Party of doing divisive politics and said such a party could not bring development. "I don't think that the party which indulges in politics that divides the country can bring development to the country," Singh told an election meeting here in Sibsagar district. "India is a country with different cultures, religions and languages where the BJP is indulging in divisive politics," Singh said. "Their politics is based on one person. They don't have any specific policies for the development of the country," Singh said at the meeting in support of sitting MP and former cabinet colleague Bijoy Krishna Handique for the prestigious Jorhat Lok Sabha constituency. Speaking on the achievements of the United Progressive Alliance government, the Prime Minister said, "Our government has been working for the welfare of the country and its people for the last ten years". "UPA government was formed ten years ago and since then we have been working with utmost commitment and dedications for the country and the welfare of its people." "I know that with your support we can continue with our economic reforms and social justice measures. Because of your support we have been able to work for development of the common people and the country as a whole," he added. Giving an account of the progress made by the country during United Progressive Alliance I and II governments, Singh said, "You saw the success of our UPA government during our first tenure and, therefore, again voted for us in 2009. "During this tenure also we tried our best to work for the country and its people. We have been successful in many aspects, but I feel still much more has to be done," Singh said. "Of course in the last three years there has been some economic crisis, but we are trying our best to overcome it," he said. Stating that the changes that came about in the last ten years were because of the efforts made by the Congress-led government, he said "The changes have led to India becoming a fast emerging economy. If this continues India within a short time will be a fast rising nation in the world". "Without economic development, eradication of poverty is not possible. If there is no development youth will not get employment opportunities and common people will be deprived of progress," he said. Singh spoke about two lakh km village roads being built and construction of infrastructure such as railway network expansion, airport development, metro railway, besides stress being given on welfare of education and health care facilities. "We have been able to have good relations with many countries and India's position from the diplomatic point of view is commendable," Singh said. "I am lucky that you all have selected me as the Prime Minister. Before coming into politics I was for 40 years in many posts where I served with commitment. Where ever I am I work for the people of India," he said. Speaking about changes in Assam, which he represented in the Rajya Sabha - upper house of Indian parliament - for the last 23 years, and the North East region, the Prime Minister said there was development of infrastructure during the last ten years. "The Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Jorhat Medical College Hospital, a super speciality hospital, National Institute of Design in Jorhat constituency have come up during the tenure of the Congress government here," Singh said. "Prior to Independence the tea community was with the Congress. Now also we are doing a lot for them and assure to continue working for their welfare and progress," he promised. Stating that India was declared a polio-free country by the WHO, the Prime Minister said the United Progressive Alliance government was giving special attention to children's health care and their education - from the primary to the higher education level.