Bhatkalli Jamatul Muslimeen, Mangaluru organises 'Ahlan Ramdan' function

11:57AM Fri 10 Jun, 2016

Bhatkalli Jamatul Muslimeen, Mangaluru organised an " Ahlan Ramadan'" event today at its hostel for students. Engineer Rameez, vice-principal, PA College of Engineering, Mangaluru spoke about the significance of Ramadan and outlined the planning for the blessed month. Aftab Kola welcomed and compered the program. SM Arshad, president, BJM, Mangaluru called upon the students to conduct themselves well in all aspects of life. Moulana Khalifa Dawood proposed a vote of thanks. Office-bearers Ansar Musba, Damda Imtiaz, Talha Akrami, Musba Abdulla and SM Ashfaq were present on the occasion. Iftar was followed by dinner.   BMJM-01BMJM-03