Bhatkali student, Fatima Najla ranks second in BDS exam

05:27PM Sun 15 Sep, 2013

15 Sep 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Bhatkali student, Fatima Najla, daughter of Abdul Majeed Shabandari has elevated the fame of Bhatkal by securing the second rank in the BDS (Batchelor of Dental Sugery) exam of NITTE University this year. Fatima Najla completed her primary and secondary education in Bhatkal and completed her pre-university course from Anjuman PU College for women. For pursuing higher education, she went to Mangalore and studied in AB Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Science where she achieved her recent feat in the BDS exam. For this achievement, she was also awarded at the university's convocation programme. congratulates the meritorious student and her parents and wishes for her a bright and prosperous future and at the same time hopes that our community benefits through her service. nitte-convo-1