Bhatkal streets look festive with iftar delicacies

02:06AM Sun 14 Jul, 2013

13th July 2013 / Rizwan Gangavali / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Ramadan is a month in which blessings and mercy of Allaah shower upon us from the skies. These blessings are in the form of worldly blessings as well as rewards in the after-world. The onset of Ramadan not only brings a kind of religious atmosphere but also a season of trade and commerce. On one end, where people are seen buying new clothes in the streets, on another end we can see people buying iftar delicacies like samosas, bhajis, etc for breaking the fast. With the onset of Ramadan small shops selling samosas, bhajis spring up in every area of Bhatkal. These shops sell samosas, bhajis, chole, paav, vaato, navriyo, and various other goodies. iftari-item2   iftari-item1