Bhatkal: Rabita Society’s Aadhaar card update drive benefits over 1000 residents
09:12PM Mon 1 Jul, 2024

Bhatkal: The Majlis e Islah Wa Tanzeem Bhatkal and Rabita Society organized a successful Aadhaar card update drive at Rabita Hall, starting from June 23, 2024. The event, initially planned for a shorter duration, was extended by two additional days to accommodate the high turnout and ensure all updates and changes were completed.
The event commenced with a recitation from the Holy Quran by Moulana Affan Anees Udyawar. The drive aimed to assist residents with Aadhaar card updates, address changes, and photo modifications. Mubbashir Hallare and his team, who traveled from Mangaluru specifically for this purpose, played a crucial role in the event's success, a press statement from the general secretary of Tanzeem stated.
Key officials from the organizing bodies, including Jilani Shabandari, Muhammad Hussain Muallim, and Abdul Sami, supervised the entire nine-day program.
A significant number of residents participated in the program, submitting their applications for various Aadhaar card updates. In total, 1037 individuals benefited from the drive, receiving much-needed assistance with their documentation issues.