Bhatkal police conducts crime awareness program for school children

12:40PM Sat 20 Jul, 2013

20th July 2013 / Rizwan Ganguly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: An awareness program was organized by Bhatkal police in Bhatkal police station for school students to provide guidance related to crime and their responsibilities in controlling the crime. On this occasion, Bhatkal CPI, Belliayappa addressed the students of New English School and said that in the present-day criminals are on rise and even in our small village some or other crime is committed every day, hence, when they see any stranger in their locality who looks doubtful, they should inform the responsible members of their locality. Apart from it, he instructed the students on various other crucial points. On this occasion, PSI Prakash Devadiga also expressed his thoughts. ppp-01