Bhatkal Dawat Center was inaugurated by Maulana Abdul Aleem Khatib Nadvi after its reconstruction

03:46PM Sun 24 Jan, 2021

The building was inaugurated today by Maulana Abdul Aleem Khatib Nadvi Sahib after the reconstruction of the Bhatkal Dawat Center building in Sultan Street. On this occasion, while voicing his views, the special guest Maulana Abdul Aleem Khatib Nadvi said that Islam and Muslims are being persecuted in the present times, but it does not mean we should stop crying and try to persecute them. He urged the people, to fear Allah and to remain attached to religion and said that one day or the other, injustice will be eradicated, but for this, we also have to reform ourselves and establish conditions that will invite benefit from Allah. In his presidential address, Mr. Nazir Ahmad Qazi, the regional Amir, urged the people, in the light of the Qur'anic scriptures, to search for the exalted word of God and appealed to them to help transmit the religion of God and to cooperate with those who work for it. The regional president of the SIO, Syed Yousuf Barmawar, also shared his views on the occasion and asked them to prepare themselves for the service of society. The meeting ended with the prayers of Maulana Abdul Aleem Khatib Nadvi and a vote of thanks from Maulana Yasir Barmawar Nadvi. (Bhatkallys News Service)