Bhatkal celebrates UN's World Water Day

12:57PM Wed 23 Mar, 2016

March 22, 2016 | Correspondent | Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Bhatkal celebrated the United Nations' World Water Day; to put emphasis on sustainable water for the future. On this occasion, Bhatkal's Judge said that human beings can survive without food but they cannot survive without water. He expressed concern on the exisiting water situation in the world. In his key speech, Bhatkal AC Chidananda Vittare advcoated for saving water and said that we aren't able to understand the blessing of water and hence we are wasting water everywhere. Throughout the world, there exists acute shortage of water because of which people are dying, he added. The program was organized at Municipality Hall in Bhatkal Town Municipality by Legal Service Committee, Bhatkal Bar Association, in association with other departments. World Water Day is an annual event celebrated on March 22. The day focuses attention on the importance of fresh water and advocates for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. - ARF