Bhatkal Block Congress demands ministership for J D Naik

11:51AM Thu 16 May, 2013

16th May 13 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal - In a press conference held by Bhatkal Block Congress, Vithal Naik, president of the block demanded minister status for J D Naik (ex-MLA). While talking to press reporters on this occasion, he said that, J D Naik has done extensive work for the Congress Party and has played a crucial role in establishing the party in Bhatkal. He won the assembly elections for Bhatal Assembly Constituency consecutively two times. Hence it is required that the party gives him a major role and awards him ministership. On this occasion, while mentioning about Mankal Vaidya, the independent candidate who won the current assembly elections, Vithal said that he has heard about Mankal's inclusion in the Congress Party. As of yet, he hasn't done any work for the benefit of the party. Moreover, Congress has a majority in Karnataka and hence the party doesn't need him. If the party doesn't consult Congress members here in Bhatkal and include him in the Congress party than the party itself will be responsible for the consequences. While commenting on the defeat of the Congress in this constituency, he said that a meeting will soon be held to discuss the reasons for the defeat and information about party traitors will be sent to the party high-command and action will be initiated against them. In this press conference, Congress Youth President Kumar Naik, Sripad Kamat, Subraye Naik, Mahableshwar Naik and other members were present. block-congress-pressmeet-