Bengaluru graduate picked by Google for AI research, will make Rs 1.2 cr a year
03:19PM Mon 9 Jul, 2018
A 22-year-old Integrated MTech student of Indian origin was selected to join Google’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) team with a package of Rs 1.2 crore per year.
Aditya Paliwal is among 50 candidates selected from around 6,000 applicants who appeared for a global test conducted by the technology giant for their research in the field of AI.
According to a report by News18, Paliwal, an Integrated MTech student at the International Institute of Information and Technology, Bengaluru (IIIT-B), is thrilled at the offer and hopes to learn many new things along the way.
Paliwal was also one of the finalists of ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), a renowned competition for coding enthusiasts, in 2017 and 2018. The ICPC had attracted around 50,000 students from 111 countries and 3,098 universities from around the world.
“Google conducted a global test for their research in Artificial Intelligence Technology where more than 6,000 students participated and 50 were selected,” Paliwal told News18.
He extended his gratitude to his seniors and IIIT-B for providing him with the facilities and necessary support to excel and nurture his innovative ideas.
Talking about the offer, he confirmed that he would be joining Google on July 16, and said, “I was really happy when I got the offer from Google. I hope to learn new things during my tenure.”
Source:Money Control