Ayurveda student gets selected to Oxford University to study MSc in evidence-based medicine in a first

05:19AM Tue 22 Mar, 2022

Dr. Arshath Jyothi, an alumnus and current research fellow at the All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), an autonomous institute under the Ministry of AYUSH, has become the first-ever Ayurveda student from India to get selected at Oxford University for an MSc in evidence-based medicine. The cardinal aim of Ayurveda is to restore the induvial balance between body, mind and spirit. Though Ayurveda is the oldest system of health science in India and dates back to 3000 years, it often struggles to find ground among modern medicine. The opportunity to study Ayurveda specifically as an evidence-based medical field is expected to help Dr. Jyothi break common myths against Ayurveda. After completing his degree in Ayurveda from AIIA, Dr. Jyothi is now pursuing a research fellowship from the same institute, aiming to bring in a synergy between Ayurveda and the latest technology. He will be joining the programme at Oxford University from September 2022. It was David Nunan, Course Director at Oxford University’s MSc in Evidence Based Health Care, who called Dr. Arshath Jyothi as “the first Ayurveda student” in Oxford. Dr. Jyothi is currently working as a research fellow in the department of Kayachikitsa, in a public health initiative project entitled ‘Musculo Skeletal Pain Management Through Ayurveda Intervention’, coordinated by AIIA Director Prof. (Dr) Tanuja Manoj Nesari.


Dr Arshath Jyothi’s continuing studies at Oxford University will surely boost his work in the field of Ayurveda. Oxford University ranks number one in the world for medical sciences and is home to the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) which is a part of Oxford University's Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences. “Even though Ayurveda had been here since the Vedic period, contemporaneous research are not enough to establish evidence in global platforms. Upgrading the current research trends requires global standard care,” says Dr. Jyothi. The major aim at CEBM is to research, practice and disseminate evidence-based medicine in health care decision making. They are committed to improving healthcare by fostering wider communication of high-quality evidence, by promoting the principles of EBM through engagement, knowledge sharing, research and education. He says that studying at such an efficient platform such as Oxford’s CEBM will “improve the scientific temper and unveil new dimensions of research in Ayurveda.”


Dr. Jyothi says that people all over the world are approaching the health care system a little differently these days. There has been a shift to holistic wellness, perhaps more so after the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown that changed the take on life for many.
“The acceptance of Ayurveda increasing day by day. A significant number of patients are opting for preventive health care strategies which was not observed in previous years,” he says. “In search of sustainable health, patients of all generations are approaching towards Ayurveda around the globe,” he adds. The Indian government is also invested in the promotion and propagation of AYUSH systems including Ayurveda on the international level. The Ministry of AYUSH undertakes various activities under Central Sector Scheme for promotion of International Cooperation, (IC Scheme). AYUSH experts are also deputed to foreign countries to participate in international meetings, conferences, training programmes, workshops and seminars, and are provided financial assistance for the same.


Students who want to pursue a career in Ayurveda need to take care of where and how they are studying from to maximise credibility. “Focus should be given to the targeted area of interest during the undergraduate level. If you would like to become clinician, one has to develop a clinical skill with a definite specialty, while for a research enthusiast, efforts should be given to upgrade stringent scientific qualities,” explains Dr. Jyothi. “Selection of authentic information and peer discussion will also keep one up to date. There is no definite path, but our consistency, perseverance and hard work will lead to unique paths in Ayurveda,” he says. (Source: India Today)