At least 265,000 more haj pilgrims expected in Saudi Arabia this year

04:15PM Sat 29 Jul, 2017

There will be at least 265,000 more international haj pilgrims this year, said Singapore Pilgrims' Affairs Office (SPAO) director Muhammad Nasir Johari on Saturday (July 29). Speaking at this year's haj pre-departure briefing at the Singapore Expo, he said that the higher numbers are due to Saudi Arabia's government reinstating at least 20 per cent of quota of pilgrims for all countries. More than two million pilgrims from around the world are set to perform the haj this year. Mr Muhammad Nasir said: "The safety and the security of our pilgrims are our utmost concern. Pilgrims should always communicate with their (travel agents) or with their officials so that in cases of crisis, the (SPAO) will be able to coordinate things very smoothly and also to allay any fears that family members may have back home.