Anjuman students raise relief fund for Uttarkhand victims

04:50AM Sun 30 Jun, 2013

29th June 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News The flash floods and landslides in Uttarakhand have devastated entire towns and villages, destroyed roads, bridges and communication links. The number of dead is uncertain, and it may be months before the full magnitude of the tragedy becomes clear. To help the people in the disaster zone pick up the pieces, there have been relief work and contributions from through-out the country. Students from Anjuman degree college also took an initiative today morning for raising a relief fund for the victims. After a short function in the college, students of Anjuman degree college took to the streets of Bhatkal carrying banners and Play cards appealing everyone to contribute for the fund. anjuman-students-01 anjuman-students-02