Anjuman IAU High School to hold Annual Social Gathering on 13th Jan

04:15PM Thu 7 Jan, 2016

January 07, 2016 | Correspondent | Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Anjuman Islamia Anglo Urdu High School and Anjuman Boy's High School is conducting its Annual Gathering Insha Allah on Wednesday the 13th Jan 2016 at 4.30 pm at Anjuman ground. On this occasion, prizes will be distributed to students who have excelled in academic as well as other co curricular activities. Anjuman has requested all parents, members of Anjuman and community members to attend the function and encourage the students who will be receiving prizes for their achievements and performances. Various entertainment programs will  also be organized and separate seating arrangement for ladies is arranged. The Annual gathering is an important event of the School as the students get encouraged for their performances and they feel proud to receive the prizes and perform events in presence of their parents, elders and members of the community. The teachers with best performance are also awarded. It brings the students, teachers and parents and community together for better relationships.