Anjuman Administrative building and PG block inaugurated

03:58PM Sun 17 Jul, 2016

July 17,2016| Rizwan Gangavali| Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Two new buildings were inaugurated at Anjuman Hami-e-Muslimeen’s Anjumanabad here on Sunday. The two new infrastructures has been named on two Great sons and leaders of the community, Late, Shamsuddin Jukaku, and Late, SM Yahya. The ceremony marked the presence of District In-charge minister RV Deshpande, Imam of Bangalore City Jamia Masjid, Moulana Maqsood Imran, MP Bhatkal JD Naik and others. Anjuman_Administrative_Building_20 Speaking on the occasion, RV Deshpande pressed on several things including, Educating Women, Maintaining health with Education and developing skills. He said, Educating girls is as important as Educating boys if the world has to be a better place, he also said, Neither Quran nor any other religious books bars from educating girls. He further added, maintaining a good health is also a very important factor as one cannot contribute to the society merely with good education if he doesn’t posses good health. He also hailed the services of both Shamsuddin Jukaku and SM Yahya. He also urged rich people of Bhatkal to take care of poor people and said it is because of this qualities both the gentlemen are still being remembered generations later. Anjuman-opening-Blocks-45 Moulana Maqsood Imran in his speech were in all praise for Anjuman Hami-e-Muslimeen for the way in which the institution is being run and administered. he also congratulated and credited the Jukakus and termed the running of organization as ‘Sawaab-e-Jaariya’. He also grabbed the opportunity to coney the message to the people of other faiths that Islam is a religion of peace and we Muslim believe in peace. Anjuman-opening-Blocks-46 Mohammed Aatiq, MLA Mankal Vaidya, Qazia Mohammed Muzammil, Abdur Rahim Jukaku were among others who shared their thoughts on mic. Anjuman-opening-Blocks-48 Apart from the inauguration of the two buildings there were two add-ons during the ceremony. Eminent community leader SM Syed Khalil ur Rahman was felicitated for being recently honored with Doctorate by Ireland’s  Aldersgate university  in Dubai. Anjuman-opening-Blocks-41 Prominent Journalist and writer Aftab Kola’s most recent book named ‘JH Shamsuddin - Service above Self’  was also subsequently released at the event. Anjuman-opening-Blocks-36