Amnesty awarness campaign by Emirates India Fraternity Forum

01:39PM Mon 7 Jan, 2013

DUBAI: Emirates India Fraternity Forum held a program on 4th January, 2013 Friday at Karama Dubai to Welcome Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI) Karnataka State Chief Secretary Janab Abdualla Hannan Saheb and also to create awareness among expatriates regarding the ongoing amnesty. The amnesty awareness program was conducted under the caption “BE LOYAL TO UAE, MAKE USE OF AMNESTY” The programme was started with Qirath by Janab Ershad udupi . Janab Nasir Hussain Saheb President of Emirates India Fraternity Forum in his welcoming address conveyed his sincere thanks to Rulers of UAE, for providing AMNESTY Scheme as a Golden Opportunity to the Expatriates who are overstaying in UAE , either to regularise their visa status or leave the country by OUT PASS. He appealed the Gathering to campaign about the Amnesty Scheme and to assist the people to leave to their home country. Pamphlets in different languages highlighting the importance of Amnesty and its procedures, was distributed on this occasion. He also explained about the activities of EIFF and prayed almighty give strength to EIFF volunteers to serve the society actively. The Chief Guest Janab Hannan Saheb- SDPI Karnataka State General Secretary who is on a short Visit to UAE in his speech touched about the political situation in India specially minorities. Even after 65 years of Independence, the ruling parties in India has utilised Minorities as their vote bank and done nothing for the up-liftment of the Community. Many a times the government has appointed different commissions to look after the situations of minorities community such as Sachar Commission, Ranganath Mishra commission etc, But till date they have not yet implemented any of the suggestions of these commissions. He envisioned that SDPI will work towards the progress of all muslins, Christians and dalits in future. From Government we need our rights not their gratitude. Going through current situation of muslims may the ruling parties open their eyes and implement the commission report, May all the people understand the ground reality that is enough for social change with explanation he concluded his short speech with thanks to EIFF for welcoming and reception. The Guest Janab Maulana Ibrahim Sahib Gangolli praised the various Social welfare schemes conducted by EIFF and prayed The Almighty Allah to grant them the strength and energy to conduct many more such schemes for the benefit of people. He also stressed to all we should guide everybody for good deeds and prevent the bad things may Allah guide all of us to right path of life. The Program concluded with vote of thanks by Janab Badruddin Hentar and followed with light refreshment. DSC_0030 DSC_0032 DSC_0036 DSC_0072 DSC_0075 DSC_0088 DSC_0098 DSC_0106 DSC_0109