10:29PM Fri 29 Jul, 2016

Virtual Private Networks or VPN’s, are some of the most common means utilized to avoid being caught by prying eyes on the internet. But this safe sounding practice could send you to prison. You heard it right, prison… but only when you are in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and not only that, anyone caught using a VPN within the UAE could be fined anywhere between $136,000 and $545,000, as per new laws signed on July 22, reported Emirates 24/7. The new law reads:”Whoever uses a fraudulent computer network protocol address (IP address) by using a false address or a third-party address by any other means for the purpose of committing a crime or preventing its discovery, shall be punished by temporary imprisonment and a fine of no less than Dh500,000 and not exceeding Dh2,000,000, or either of these two penalties.” The new laws have a particularly harmful effect on migrant workers in the UAE, reported Inverse. “Let’s be clear – this new law does kind of affect the traveling businessman that stops in Dubai,” writes VPN provider Private Internet Access on its news website. “However, the real victims of this new law will be the millions of migrant workers that have come to rely on using VPNs to access free VoIP.” Therefore, a piece of advice for those visiting the UAE, using a VPN or proxy server may cause problems as the new law is currently in effect, which may lead to a knock on the door by police if you try using VPN services.