Al Ehsan Welfare Trust inaugurated in Kumta

08:56AM Sun 7 Jul, 2013

6th July 2013 / Rizwan Ganguly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal:  Al-Ehsan Welfare Trust was inaugurated in Kumta JumuaMasjid building on Friday after Jumua prayers by Maulana Mohammed Husain Geema Jamae (Murudeshwar). Addressing the audience after the inauguration, Maulana said that usury (riba) is haraam (prohibited) in Islam and there is reward even to the one who tries to save himself from riba. Maulana on this occasion praised the efforts of the residents of Kumta to establish the new Islamic Bank. Addressing the audience, Cheif Guest Dr Mohammed Haneef Shabab mentioned about different types of usury and expressed grief over the involvement of the Muslim community in various types of Riba. He also congratulated the people of Kumta for their efforts in establishing an interest free bank in Kumta. The office was inaugurated by Maulana Mohammed Husain Gima and he also prayed for blessings and perseverance in the bank's work. requests our readers to fully cooperate with the new welfare society. As per Islamic rulings, taking out a loan to be repaid with interest from any institution, individual or bank is riba (usury) which is haraam and is a major sin in Islam. Allah has warned the one who does that of curses and destruction in this world and punishment in the Hereafter. al-ehsan