Ajeer program terms outlined

01:04AM Mon 8 Dec, 2014

RIYADH: The Ministry of Labor has outlined the conditions of the Ajeer program that enables dependents of expatriate workers in the Kingdom to work in the health and education sectors. There are a number of conditions governing the employment of dependents such as they have to be 18 at the time of application. According to sources, the dependent will sign a contract with the company he wishes to work for a minimum wage of SR 1,500. The dependent will be subject to the ministry’s procedures without the interference of the Passport Department. Sources confirmed that the Ajeer program doesn’t allow transfer of sponsorship, although the dependent can continue to stay in the Kingdom even if the contract with the company has terminated. According to the program, dependents can work in the educational sector, including foreign and private institutions and kindergartens in addition to the health sector such as nursing and related departments. The ministry also stressed the need to register for social insurance. Arab News