AITM celebrates Earth Day 2013

02:41PM Wed 24 Apr, 2013

Bhatkal : Department  of MBA – AITM (Anjuman Institute of Technology and Management) Bhatkal celebrated the Earth Day on April 22, 2013. This event was organized by MBA 1st year students and hosted by Mr. Waqas Barmawar. Function began with recitation of verses from Holy Quran by Mr. Sabit and HOD (Head of Department) of MBA Mohammed Aftab Qamri welcomed the gathering. Chief Guest of Function Mr. Venkatesh Navada (Environmental Officer, Bhatkal TMC) inaugurated the EARTH DAY Observation and highlighted in his speech the importance of environmental protection and responsibilities everyone owns in order to save the earth from various types of pollution. He also stressed on planting more trees and taking care of them by watering them on a daily basis as this action will contribute towards improvement in Earth's atmosphere. Venkatesh congratulated and applauded MBA students for creating awareness on saving environment and also expressed his interest in working with them for such cause in future. He said he will plan various activities and involve Anjuman MBA students for Corporate Social Responsibility program which will give them a platform to promote such awareness. A day before the event, MBA unit of AITM distributed letters (from HOD MBA), appealing all the colleges and institutions to support their cause and requested them to turn off all their electrical appliances for one hour starting from 10.00 am to 11.00 am on 22nd April 2013 in view of EARTH DAY 2013. For this task, students of MBA first year went to various institutions to promote their message and spread awareness throughout the campus. A team consisting of students from MBA 1st year visited B.Com, BBA and BEd college to observe EARTH DAY.  Another team visited Jamia Islamia (Jamiaabad-Bhatkal). Principal of AITM, Dr. Uday Prasanna concluded the program and congratulated MBA students for organizing  such a wonderful event and promoting it with utmost curiosity and zeal. Mohammed Aftab also congratulated MBA 1st year students and encouraged them to take up more activities in the near future in order to make a visible contribution to the society. MBA students at AITM have also planned to conduct Trade Fair 2013 and Green Revolution 2013 in the near future as part of their extra-curricular activities. Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is currently coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year. ED Anjuman MBA collge Event AITM 1 Event AITM 2 Event AITM Event Pics AITM-MBA