Air India manager dies at work at Abu Dhabi airport

01:37PM Sun 10 Feb, 2013

Abu Dhabi: A manager of Air India, India’s government owned airlines, died on Saturday while he was on duty at his office at Abu Dhabi International Airport.
Rajesh Navnit Parekh, 53, has been working with Air India in Abu Dhabi for past 27 years. “He fell down at his office and got hurt;  when the doctors were called in , they pronounced him dead,” a senior Air India  executive  told Gulf News.
“We don’t know the exact cause of death; we are awaiting such details from medical authorities,” said Seema Srivastava, Regional Manager, Middle East and Africa, Air India, said.
She said the incident happened between 1 and 2 pm at Air India office at the airport. Parekh was area sales manager but was working as duty manager at the airport, Srivastava said.
An unmarried Parekh is survived by father, and two sisters. His father and a sister are living in Mumbai in India and a sister is in the US. “We have informed them the incident,”  she  said.
The senior executive said she was aware that Parekh had certain cardiac problems but it was not known whether that was the cause of death.
Abu Dhabi Police, airport and  medical authorities were not immediately available for comments.
Having worked with Air India in Abu Dhabi for past 27 years , Parekh has a wide circle of friends  in the capital. Gulf News1303545483