Aimty Wellness Expo 2023 witnesses success in Bhatkal

06:56PM Mon 1 Jan, 2024

Bhatkal: The Aimty Wellness Expo 2023, held in rememberance of Mohammed Ali Andale and Dr. MT Hasan Bapa Sada on December 30, 2023, marked a significant success, drawing approximately 450 participants, with additional attendees off the books. The event featured a free medical camp held in two sessions — the first session commenced at 8:45 am until noon for lunch, followed by the second session, starting sharply at 2:30 pm and continuing until 5:45 pm.

Expressing gratitude to the people of Bhatkal for their enthusiastic response, the organizers extended their thanks to the doctors who traveled from Mumbai to participate. The medical team from Srinivas University, Mangalore, also received acknowledgment for their voluntary service. 

Among the notable contributors to the expo was Dr. Yasmeen, the daughter of Mohammad Ali Andale. Dr. Yasmeen, along with her husband Dr. Imtiaz Pathan, runs Khushi Hospital in Mumbai. Mohammad Ali Andale, originally from Takiya Street, Bhatkal, moved to Mumbai at an early age, where he pursued various jobs and eventually became a cloth merchant.

Described as a humble and simple personality, Mohammad Ali Andale led a straightforward life. He prioritized his children's education and aspired for them to excel academically. His dream has materialized, with one of his daughters serving as a professor, another as a gynaecologist, and a son as a computer engineer. Mohammad Ali Andale passed away in 2000, carrying the dream that his daughter Yasmeen would run a hospital in Bhatkal to serve the local community, a press statement from the organiser stated.