After Bhatkal, Urdu Audio App launched in Dubai

08:20PM Sun 12 Jun, 2016

Dubai,11 Jun 2016: Following the successful launch of the Urdu Audio App in Bhatkal last week, hosted an event at Dubai's Hyatt Place to unveil their latest app. The exclusive event was hosted in the presence of 'special invitees' of The launch event started with a recitation of Holy Quran by Moulana Shuaib Ekkeri Nadvi. Abdul Rahman Siddiqui welcomed the audience. Abdul Rehman Siddiqui Muaz Shabandri Muaz Shabandri also spoke at the event, highlighting the importance of the event and provided a brief introduction to the vision and objectives of Mohsin Shabandri, Chairman,, spoke at length about and its services to the community. Shabandri Mohammed Mohsin Maulana Abdul Mateen Muniri briefed the audience about the history and efforts made in digitising thousands of rare audio files, over the last 40 years.Abdul Mateen Muniri Speaking about the new app and, S.M. Syed Khaleel noted the significance of such contribution from community and acknowledged the constant efforts made by the Bhatkallys team. He insisted that this is a first step toward's our community's contribution to media, and more efforts were needed to increase the scope of these contributions.S M Syed Khalil Other attendees also lauded the Urdu Audio app and expressed their appreciation to the app developers and management of Launch of Urdu Audio App in Dubai The event which was followed by Iftarwas attended by Moulanan Shuaib Nadvi, a member of the Jamia delegation visiting Dubai and representatives of Majlis-E-Islah Wa Tanzeem. Among others present at the event were Abdul Kadir Basha, President Idara Tarbiyat Ikhwan (ITI), Moulana Irshad Afrika, Vice President, BMJ Dubai, and Yusuf Barmwar, General Secretary, BMJ Dubai. Sheikh Peer Mohammed, a board member of, congratulated the Bhatkalli community for gifting Islamic audios to a wider audience and making it available easily online. He also admired the work done by Bhatkal community in all fields and described Bhatkal as model Muslim town in India. He also requested Anjuman to move towards establishing itself as a university.Peer Mohammed Towards the close of the event, the app developers (Siraj and Jasim) were handed a memento as a token of appreciation for their continued support to the Urdu Audio project. Mohsin Shabandri also announced the induction of a new member to the Bhatkallys Board of Directors - Abu Muhammad Mukhtasar, who was also present at the event. The re-launched app is available for Android users and an iOS version will be launched by the end of June 2016. S.M. Syed Raees, Director - presented the vote of thanks to attendees. bhatkallys_iftar_16_34 S M Syed Raees