A new dawn for Bhatkal Muslims, politically

12:40PM Mon 6 May, 2013

BY AFTAB H. KOLA 940_Inayat_22MUSCAT: Going by the political campaigning and the subsequent voting news that one came across on community websites, it looks like the wide political gap left by the death of the late S. M. Yahya has virtually been bridged. Inayatullah Shabandri may or may not win, but one thing is certain: the Muslims of Bhatkal have realised that some tough political decisions need to be taken as none of the mainstream political parties has bothered to echo the community's aspirations in Parliament or the State Assembly. Though I have not been able to present myself for this election, my heart goes out to Inayatullah Shabandri, whose hard work and zeal should bring him victory. This election will be a watershed in politics as far as the Bhatkal Muslims are concerned. With the emergence of a leader who binds well with the workers at the grass root level, there is a revival in political awareness among the members and leaders of the community as well as a perceptible maturity on the political horizon. That a large number of people participated in the campaigning, strategy meetings, road-shows, etc go to prove that the Muslims in Bhatkal are now far more politically conscious and are as much part of the mainstream as any other community. A new era seems to have dawned on the community and this calls for taking optimal advantage of the situation. The chances of Inayat emerging victorious look bright considering the fact that there are three top Namdhari contestants in the fray and the division of votes is likely; however, even a loss would mean victory for the Bhatkal Muslims in terms political revival of the community in the true sense. Majlise Islah Wa Tanzeem deserves encomiums for taking the bold decision to field a Muslim candidate, come what may. And the JD (S) was kind enough to reciprocate. A possible solution for the Muslims to get proportional representation in the State Assembly was to put pressure on the Congress party to field more Muslim candidates; the Congress has however not been very obliging in this matter. So, a decision like this will send a strong signal to that party that the Muslims are not their ever-obliging vote-banks. It is also heartening to note that the Muslims of Bhatkal have overwhelmingly welcomed Tanzeem’s decision and supported Inayat lock, stock and barrel. It was equally stirring to know that a section of the Hindus too supported Inayat’s candidature. I now only hope and pray that Inayat wins! And such a victory is sure to usher in the desired changes that the people of Bhatkal have long been hoping for.