A guide to a successful interview

05:30AM Fri 21 Dec, 2012

The very thought of facing an interview causes lot of stress and anxiety even to the experienced ones. It can be avoided to a great extent by preparing yourselves in advance for the interview and doing your homework well. Anticipating what questions you may face and preparing answers for them will benefit you while attending the interview. Given below are few tips that will help you to face the interview with ease and comfort: Study your topic well Whether you are attending an interview for a Writer or for a Software Engineer, you need to ensure that you know well about your topic, especially the fundamentals. It is all-right if you are not able to answer few of the questions but not being able to answer fundamental questions will dampen your chances of getting through the interview. Wipe the dust off your textbooks, revisit important fundamentals related to your field and gain sufficient knowledge about your subject. While it is very important to know your fundamentals, it is also important that you are familiar with specific news, trends, and events related to your industry. Being aware of all this will show that you are enthusiastic with your job which will leave a positive impression on the interviewer. Know about the company It is essential that you do some background research on the company before you attend the interview. The Interviewer will expect you to know a little about the company and will be very impressed if you are familiar with the businesses of the company. The easiest source of this information is the company website. Ensure that you browse through the website; know about the business of the company, their product lines and their plans for the future, vision, mission, values, and business objectives. You can also call the company and ask them about their annual reports and their marketing materials. The more information you have about the company, the higher will be your chances of succeeding the interview. Dress professionally Dressing yourselves professionally is of fundamental importance. If you are dressed casually, it will create an impression that you are not very keenly interested for the position or have an unprofessional attitude. A black or a gray trouser, a plain white or striped shirt, and a dark-colored leather shoe constitute good professional attire. Also, make sure you groom your hairs well and look clean and tidy. This will create a very good first impression on the interviewer. Be on time Arriving late for the interview will show disrespect for other’s times, lack of time management, poor planning and will work negative towards your interview. Ensure that you arrive at the interview place at least 15-20 minutes before your scheduled time for interview. This will help you settle down at the interview place, get yourself refreshed and beat the interview stress by breaking conversation with someone sitting next to you. Also, account for any possible mishaps including traffic jams, not being able to locate the place, transportation issues, etc. This will ensure you avoid the stress one faces when he knows that he will not reach the interview on scheduled time. Be Enthusiastic You need to demonstrate that you are keenly interested with the position and you have a great passion for the job. You may not be very experienced and may have a steep learning curve ahead of you but showing signs of enthusiasm will instill confidence in the Interviewer that you are going to learn things quickly. Employers are always looking for enthusiastic members with the hope that their positive attitude will lift the spirit of the team. Listen well before you speak Having good listening skills is important for any job role. Ensure you listen attentively to the Interviewer and do not interrupt him. Frequently acknowledge his statements which will indicate that you are listening to him and will also keep the Interviewer interested. Prepare your answers It is vital that you anticipate what kind of questions the interviewer is going to ask and prepare answers for them. Ensure that you make good notes and rehearse them sufficiently so that you do not fail to mention them during the time of the interview. It is also good to have clear answers for common questions asked during the interview such as “Tell us about yourself”, “What can do you for this company?”, etc. Practice mock interviews with friends or run through possible scenarios in your mind in advance of the interview.   Preparation is the key to success. It instills confidence and makes you positive. Confidence is one the main factors that determines your success in the interview. The more you are confident, the more you will be able to face the interview positively. Conversely, lack of confidence clearly shows up on the face of the interviewee and works detrimental towards the success of the interview.