5 Most Common Resume Mistakes and How to Correct Them

04:14AM Sun 8 Mar, 2015

For a job application, preparing a resume is one of the most important steps. Resume is needed to apply for a job, and it is the first thing an employer looks at. Resumes are a snapshot of you and it coveys the first impression of you to your employer.
Though companies do not hire resumes, it is often the resume that gets you in the door. Writing a resume is always a challenge. Impressing your recruiters and to explain why they need to hire you, in one page, can be a night-mare in itself. Creating a resume is a real stylistic exercise, as you need to communicate all the important information about yourself concisely. Making mistakes can be the quickest way to send your resume to the trash bin before even the recruiter fully considers you.
Read through the following to know the common mistakes people make on their resumes that will cost them the job: Lengthy Resumes Recruiters spend very little time on your resumes. They are not read, they are screened for about 15 seconds. If it is too long, there are chances that they won't read it until the end.
  • Be crisp, write short sentences and straight to the point.
  • To keep it concise, bullet points are the best way to put it.
  • Do not give details and keep your resume as short possible.
  • Prioritize your achievements, and synthesize a resume that conveys the most important information about you.
Grammar and Spelling Mistakes  This is one of the most common mistake people make on their resume and it doesn't make a good impression. Spell-check and grammar check can sometimes not pick mistakes. Such mistakes can be deadly, as employers may see this as lack of orientation as it shows that you are not caring enough about quality.
  • Read and reread your resume before sending it.
  • It is hard to catch your own mistakes, so have someone else read it for you.
  • Reading it loud is another option for catching mistakes.
Format of the Resume Creating a resume which has a poor design or layout is a another common mistake. Do not make your resume overly decked up with designs and various fonts unless you are applying for a designer or artist job.
  • Make a streamlined, easy to read resume.
  • Use at-least 10 point font and half-inch margins.
  • Keep consistent space between lines, and align columns.
Right Keywords You might have a well-crafted, exquisite resume, but a person reviews your emphasis on the current position you are applying for. Sending the same resume to all companies is another complete no!
  • Tailor your resume specifically for each company you are applying to.
  • Show the recruiter that you are perfect for the position by putting relevant information in your resume.
  • Include the ones that are pertinent to the job offer and do not include all your previous experiences.
Lying on your Resume Lying on your resume is never worth it. People lie about their degrees, GPAs and even work experience. Problems with lying on your resumes are:
  • You can get easily caught and get fired.
  • Background checks conducted by the company can reveal your fraud.
  • Lies follow you all through your career.
  • Shows your character; which could be a real disaster in your career.
The above are the ways people mess up their resumes. Avoid these blunders. Employers look for the best people hence, keeping mind the above pointers when preparing a resume, you could surely increase your chances of getting through for the interview.
Source: Career India