5 acts that will land you a Dh500 fine in Dubai

05:18PM Wed 31 Jan, 2018

The city of Dubai has certain rules, regulations and laws for tourists, visitors and Dubai residents alike. Non-adherence to those can lead to a serious imposition of fines and punishments. Below is a list of five acts that can get you penalised for Dh500. Refrain from doing these things and avoid the fine. 1-Remember never to use an invalid card while traveling by the Dubai RTA bus or be ready to have your wallet go lighter by Dh500. 2-Selling of Nol cards by individuals, entities without the permission/permit from RTA can not only get you into trouble with the authorities but also have you shell out Dh500 for indulging in such an act. 3-Using a counterfeit card while travelling on the public transport in Dubai can prove to be an expensive affair. You might end up paying a Dh500 fine from the money saved for your next shopping spree. So, get your priorities right! 4-Carrying of alcoholic beverages inside the public transport, including Dubai Metro, RTA bus and trams is an absolute no-no and might leave you poorer by Dh500. Don't try this stunt in Dubai. 5-Lastly, throwing as well as causing the throwing of any kind of waste on the tracks of Dubai Tram can get you fined for Dh500.