43 Riyadh warehouses shut for violation of safety rules

06:24AM Mon 31 Aug, 2015

RIYADH: A total of 43 warehouses were shut down in Jeddah for failing to take safety and health measures. Officials of the general department of Civil Defense in Jeddah carried out inspection at 165 industrial complexes in the industrial zone recently. The field campaign led by the director in charge of Civil Defense in Jeddah, Col. Ghazi bin Gharmallah Al-Ghamdi, has notified 110 warehouses of visit by the Civil Defense, cut power supply for four and prepared violation cases against eight. Meanwhile, the director of Civil Defense in Jeddah urged the owners of warehouses to fulfill safety requirements. He said the drive is being conducted to reduce accidents and ensure business owners follow safety rules. Last week, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry closed down three warehouses for tampering with the name of the country of origin of the stored medical equipment and stocking huge quantities of food and consumer items in unhealthy conditions. The ministry has summoned those responsible for these violations to face investigation. The ministry said it has closed a warehouse in the Al-Faisaliya area in south Riyadh, which was selling and marketing medical equipment made in China while putting “Made in Spain” labels. The inspectors also found that there was no official license for the business or the place. More than 800 electrical water heaters for domestic use were seized. A warehouse at Al-Sala in east Riyadh was also closed down as it was being used for storing cosmetic items, creams and shampoos of unknown origin. -arabnews