160 Pakistanis deported from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

07:08PM Sun 5 Feb, 2017

Islamabad [Pakistan]: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has deported 160 Pakistanis who were living illegally in the country. As per details, these people have been sent to Pakistan’s Benazir Bhutto International Airport on a special plane- SV-3724, reports Dunya News. The immigration authorities of Pakistan have taken the deported persons into custody after verifying their details. An earlier report said that nearly 250,000 Pakistanis were deported from various countries during the years 2012-2015 with Saudi Arabia deporting 131,643 Pakistani nationals United Arab Emirates – 32,458, Iran -28,684, Oman – 17,248, Greece – 14,145, United Kingdom – 9,778 and Malaysia- 8,861. Most of the individuals deported from Saudi Arabia and the UAE were job seekers and businessmen.