150 years Old Dead Bodies exhumed in Saudi Arabia

02:38AM Wed 28 Mar, 2012

Riyadh - 26 March 2012:Allah keeps all the holy persons alive even after their death. One such incident came to limelight in tourist area of Aseer Zone in Saudi Arabia recently. This area is located in the South West of the country. During excavation, some dead bodies were exhumed from 150 year old graves. They were fresh and intact. People flocked in large numbers to see the fresh faces of these dead bodies.

According to a report published in 'Sabaqul-Electronia' Arabic journal excavation work was in progress for the construction of a five star hotel and a posh shopping mall at a place called Qamees Masheet in Saudi Arabia.

On Wednesday, while digging, traces of some graves were found. Persons working on the project examined the place. They exhumed two dead bodies from the pits. According to eye-witnesses, both the dead bodies were and free from any dust particles etc. engineers working on the commissioned.

The Imam of Masjid Shaik Ahmed Bin Mohammed al-Hawashi for observation Shaik Ahmed personally visited the area and saw these dead bodies. According to the Arab tradition, the wheat complexioned faces had beards.

By seeing the faces of these dead bodies it seemed that these dead bodies could be of some pious Islamic scholars Hafiz-e-Quran or the martyrs. The dead bodies were encircled in the wreath of a bright light and fragrance. To see the innocent faces of these dead bodies, many people flocked in large numbers and they were spell-bound and wonder-struck on seeing them.

Engineers requested to stop the construction work and to cover these graves with full honour. After exhuming the dead bodies, the engineers called the doctors. After examining these dead bodies the doctors reported that these dead bodies are not less than 150 years old. It scams that these persons died more than 100 years ago. The doctors were unable to specify the reason for not decomposing the dead bodies because no scientific evidence was available for not affecting any change in these bodies.

These dead bodies were free from any chemicals for the mummifying these dead bodies. In the absence of such evidences it can only be said that it must be a miraculous event.