By : Aftab Kola
My ancestral house in my native town had a spacious backyard as well as a frontyard dotted with trees of kokums (we used to call them 'Bhende, similar to mangosteen), mangoes, bilimbi (bimbellli), ambarella (kollami ambatti), drumsticks, dudhyan, guava, papaya, etc.
I never knew that certain above-mentioned fruits can be crushed to prepare delicious, healthy juice. On my Sri Lanka trip I had an occasion to slurp ambarella juice which I found extremely refreshing and stimulating. I should thank Colombo-based relative Mr. SM Syed Nazim Moulana for the discovery! Now whenever I go to my native place I make it a point to buy these ambarella (all the trees (mentioned above) in my backyard no longer exist except guava and papaya) and make a delicious drink. It is easy and simple.
The fresh fruit is peeled, the thorny seed removed from its centre. Cut the flesh into few pieces, add sugar, a dash of salt, lime and cold water and crush them all in a juicer. Better sieve it to drink the tasty brew.. Try it and am sure you all will love it..
Also, ambarella when added to coconut chutney gives it a nutty flavour.