Mankal Vaidya meets Tanzeem President

04:33PM Sun 26 May, 2013

25th May 2013 / Rizwan Gangavali / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal- Mankal Vaidya, the newly elected MLA met the Tanzeem President Muzammil Kazia today afternoon at the latter's residence . On this occasion, Muzammil Kazia presented the issues faced by the residents of Bhatkal specifically the problem of Police Administration troubling the Muslims here in the name of Passport enquiry by asking for too many identification documents instead of one. He also mentioned regarding the issue of faulty drainage pumping system of Gousia Street which leaves the street completely unhygienic. The drainage water on some occasions also goes inside the well mixing with the water of the well causing a lot of trouble to the residents. After listening to Tanzeem President, the new MLA Mankal Vaidya pledged to resolve all the issues at the earliest. mankal-muzammil_01